Our Stores
We are at your service at 9 different stores – Consult our locations
At Embutidos Ballesteros we manufacture our own products and also send them to you without using intermediaries. Find out where our nearest store is to you. Our specialised personnel, the most modern machinery, and our years of experience help us to give each product the loving care necessary in order to achieve that unique taste and excellent results.
Zamora (Spain)
Embutidos Ballesteros (Mercado de Abastos, Spain)
Mercado de Abastos, planta baja
49003 Zamora (Spain)
Tel.:+34 980 532 418
Embutidos Ballesteros (Barrio Pinilla, Spain)
Barrio Pinilla C/Hermanos Barayón, 111
49028 Zamora (Spain)
Tel.: +34 980 535 248
Embutidos Ballesteros (Avda. Tres Cruces, Spain)
Avda. Tres Cruces, 35
49008 Zamora (Spain)
Tel.: +34 980 517 530
Toro (Zamora, Spain)
Embutidos Ballesteros (Toro, N-122, Spain)
When in Toro don’t fail to visit our store with its special area for sampling our products.
Enjoy in Toro our special shop where you can buy our products. At Ham&Wine you can appreciate the result of all the hard work carried out. Other products apart from ham and wine are also available.
Ballesteros Ham&Wine
Ctra N-122, Km. 424
49800 Toro (Zamora, Spain)
Tel.: +34 980 690 604
Valladolid (Spain)
Embutidos Ballesteros (Station Bus, Spain)
Bus Station
47007 Valladolid (Spain)
Tel.: +34 983 232 530
Embutidos Ballesteros (Las Moradas, Spain)
C/ Las Moradas, 21 bajo
47000 Valladolid (Spain)
Tel.: +34 983 256 756
Salamanca (Spain)
Embutidos Ballesteros (María Auxiliadora, Spain)
C/ María Auxiliadora, 28
37004 Salamanca (Spain)
Tel.:+34 923 236 871 / +34 662 116 673
Embutidos Ballesteros (Avenida de Portugal, Spain)
Avenida de Portugal 154
37004 Salamanca (Spain)
Tel.: +34 923 236 871 / +34 662 116 673