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Iberian Cereal-Fed Ham

Desde: 148,00

We sell it deboned and cut up or boned in envelopes of 150 to 200 g..

Price: 14,95 €/Kg


This product comes from Iberian pigs fed on natural fodder based on barley, wheat, maize, and soya. The result is a high quality product with an excellent aroma and presence. It is cured for at least 36 months.

This merchandise does not require cold or any other special condition for its preservation; it can be kept at room temperature. Once the package has been opened and after it has been consumed it is advisable to cover it with a cotton cloth so that the ham does not lose any of its aroma.

If for any reason the product is in poor condition or does not fulfil your expectations we will change it for another of the same kind or return your money.

We recommend that the product should be consumed during the 6 months after it is received.

Weight N/A

Whole, Deboned and cut up, In slices


7.5 to 8 kg, 8 to 8.5 kg, 8.5 to 9 kg


It is delivered wrapped in greaseproof paper and cotton mesh inside a special box for ham.

Elier's Recommendations

It does not require cold or any other special condition for its preservation; it can be left at room temperature. Once the package has been opened the product can be consumed over 6 weeks. It is advisable to cover it with its own bacon and a cotton cloth so as to prevent the ham losing part of its aroma. We recommend that the item should be consumed during the 6 months after it is received.

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