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Pure Guijuelo D.O. 100% Iberian Acorn-Fed Ham

Desde: 279,65

We sell it deboned and cut up or boned in envelopes of 150 to 200 g.

Price: 37,95 €/Kg


This product comes from Iberian pigs fed on tasty acorns of the season; they spend the remainder of their lives on the montanera or pastureland feeding on natural fodder and roots from the fields until they are slaughtered. The result is a high quality product with an excellent aroma and presence. It is cured for at least 36 months.

Weight N/A

6.5 to 7 kg, 7 to 7.5 kg, 8 to 8.5 kg


Whole, Deboned and cut up, In slices


It is delivered wrapped in greaseproof paper and cotton mesh inside a special box for ham.

Elier's Recommendations

It does not require cold or any other special condition for its preservation; it can be left at room temperature. Once the package has been opened the product can be consumed over 6 weeks. It is advisable to cover it with its own bacon and a cotton cloth so as to prevent the ham losing part of its aroma. We recommend that the item should be consumed during the 6 months after it is received.

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